Friday, January 25, 2008

Without the Internet would this exist?

Julie sent me a link today (she's good like that) for a site where you can pay Palestinians to spray paint your message on the wall dividing them in the West Bank and they'll send you 3 photos of it.

It is romantic (her email title), noble, slightly scary and exactly the thing that I love the internet for.

Check out for more details.

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Tuesday, January 08, 2008

First earthquake of '08...

So first the fridge light burns out, then the toaster breaks and finally (I hope) we survive the first earthquake this year in Lake County. Oh did I mention it's January 8th and 70 degrees.

Bring it on 2008 - I'm ready for you.

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Friday, January 04, 2008

Welcome 2008...

Already 2008 and still no personal rocket-packs.  What's up with that!

So those few readers from last year know that I tried to do one post a day and failed miserably.  This year no such promise.

Christmas was very good and we got to see Josh's excitement after discovering the left-over cookies from Santa and our big present was a Sony video camera (thanks Linda & Jim).

Julie & I went to see Juno which was excellent - very funny.  I managed to get my curry fix in very early this year by going for lunch at Cafe Tandoor and getting the Chicken Jhalfrazie.

Down side, looks like our fridge/freezer is on the blink.  Of course the year's warranty run out a couple of months ago.  Go figure.

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